Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Unable to close AR Period as zero dollar credit memo is unposted

Issue: Unable to close AR Period as zero dollar credit memo is un posted

Error: The sub ledger journal entry does not balance in the entered currency.  Please verify the entered amounts on the journal entry lines


One of the customers not using MFAR functionality we set this AR: Activate Multi Fund Accounting Extract as “NO” later issue is resolved.

Normal process for MFAR
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: System>Profile
Query: AR: Activate Multi Fund Accounting Extract
Ensure this is set to YES at the Site Level

You can check how this profile option is set from SQL using:

Note:  If you do NOT have a Multi-Fund Accounts Receivable instance, and you set this profile option to Yes, it will erroneously generate additional rows with xla_distribution_links.SOURCE_DISTRIBUTION_TYPE = MFAR_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL. This is wrong since non MFAR AAD setups should not see these records.

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