Friday, June 18, 2010

R12 MOAC(Multi Org Access Control)& its benefits

-->Use a single installation of any Oracle Applications product to support any number of organizations, even if those organizations use different ledgers

-->Support flexible organizational models

-->Secure access to data so that users can only access relevant information

-->Access one or more operating units using a single responsibility.

-->Perform tasks across multiple operating units:

Enter transactions

Process data

View Information

Run Reports

-->Increase effectiveness of Shared Service Centers or companies that have centralized business functions

Improve Efficiency
Process data across multiple OUs from one responsibility
Process transactions more efficiently for companies that have centralized business functions or operate Shared Service Centers

Obtain better information for decision making
Obtain a global consolidation for decision making
View information, such as supplier sites and customer sites across multiple OUs

Reduce Costs
Speed data entry
Reduce setup and maintenance of many responsibilities.

Reduce processing time with the ability to enter invoices for multiple operating units without switching responsibilities.
Reduce processing cost with the ability to pay invoices for multiple operating unit in a single pay run.

Provide global information for decision making purposes with new cross-org reports.

Ability to negotiate discounts armed with consolidated requisition demands.

CollectionsGlobal collections agency with consolidated view of accounts and collection tasks for multiple operating units.

Accounting Setup ManagerThe Accounting Setup Manager is a central location to define accounting related setup across all financial applications. User Accounting Setup Manager to define legal entities and their accounting context, which includes the ledgers that will contain the accounting data for each legal entity.
Multi-Org is integrated into the Accounting Setup Manager such that users can define operating units and their relationship to ledgers. For each operating unit, users can also select a legal entity to provide a default legal context during transaction processing. This centralizes your setup and makes it easier to inquire on and maintain relationships between ledgers, legal entities, and operating units.

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