Friday, February 15, 2013

AIM Methodology

Three Types of Implementation
1. Firm Implementation : When you are  planning to implementing a new system i.e. From Scratch.
2. Roll Out: When u r implementing for a New OU for an existing BG.
3. Up gradation: when the co. is going for an Up grdation eg. From 11i  to R12/R12 Fusion

Phases In AIM

Definition : The project management team plans the implementation project. The goals are to identify business and system requirements, propose the future business model, and propose the application and information technology architecture.

Operations Analysis : During the Operations Analysis phase, the project team collects management, technical, and end-user business process information and requirements. The
project team develops business requirements scenarios used to assess the level of fit between the detailed business requirements and standard application functionality.

Solution Design : The goal of Solution Design is to create the optimal business process solution to
meet the future business requirements. During Solution Design, project team members design application configuration options and detailed business procedure documentation.

Build : During the Build phase, the development team codes and tests all custom extensions including application enhancements, conversions, and interfaces. The team creates and executes performance, integration and business system tests.

Transition : During transition, the project team deploys the finished application into the organization. Transition depends on the Build phase for the fully tested business system. The project team fully executes data conversion and uses the developed documentation to train end users and support staff.

Production : The Production phase starts immediately with the production cutover.
Production marks the last phase of the implementation and the beginning of the system support cycle.

Business Process Architecture (BP) : Business Process Architecture addresses the need to understand organization business processes and alignment with business requirements and target applications. The team analyzes business processes to determine the degree of change required to bring them into alignment with organization business objectives, and designs new or improved business processes.

BP.040 - Develop Current Process Model (Optional) : In this task, you examine the current business processes and practices to identify how the existing business system meets current business requirements.

BP.080 - Develop Future Process Model (Core) : In this task, you define the future business model in the form of integrated process flows built on the business processes supported by the new applications.

Business Requirements Definition (RD) : The Business Requirements Definition process defines the business needs that must be met for the successful implementation of the application and technical suite. The project team documents business processes by identifying business events and describing the steps the organization takes to respond to those events.

RD.020 - Conduct Current Business Baseline (Core) : In this task, you examine current processes and practices to understand and document the main activities that keep the organization operating today.

RD.050 - Gather Business Requirements (Core) : In this task, you define detailed business requirements and perform an initial assessment of application fit to these requirements.

Business Requirements Mapping (BR) : The Business Requirements Mapping process produces and documents an acceptable, feasible solution to business requirements. As gaps between requirements and functionality emerge, the team resolves the gaps by documenting alternative solutions, designing application extensions, or changing the underlying business process.

BR.010 - Analyze High-Level Gaps (Core) : The differences (gaps) revealed by this analysis need to be resolved by producing alternatives that balance change in the application against
change in processes and organization.

BR.030 - Map Business Requirements (Core) : In this task, you assess the fit of standard application and system features to detailed business requirements.

BR.040 - Map Business Data (Core) : In this task, you map the data elements from the legacy system to the target application modules, business objects, and attributes.

BR.070 - Conduct Reporting Fit Analysis (Core) : In this task, you are required to analyze and map every reporting requirement to both a future business process and standard application
report. This analysis determines the final disposition of every report requirement.

BR.100 - Define Application Setups (Core) : In this task, you capture the setup decisions and implement them in the appropriate environment

BR.110 - Design Security Profiles (Core) : In this task, you gather role and function information and relate them to application security and responsibilities. As business requirements are
established and mapped to application features, you also begin to define the user security necessary to support the selected alternative in a controlled environment.

Application and Technical Architecture (TA) : During the Application and Technical Architecture process, the project team designs an information systems architecture around the organization’s business vision. Included are Oracle, third-party and custom applications; computing hardware; and networks and data communications infrastructure.

Module Design and Build (MD) : The Module Design and Build process produces custom application extensions to fill gaps in functionality identified during Business Requirements Mapping. Custom systems include program modules (forms, reports, alerts, database triggers, and so on) that must be designed, built, and tested before they can be incorporated into the new system. Module Design and Build addresses the design and development of the custom modules; the Business System Testing process supports testing of custom modules.

Data Conversion (CV) : The Conversion process defines the tasks and deliverables required to convert legacy data to the Oracle Application tables. The first step of this process is to explicitly define the data business objects identified for conversion along with the legacy source systems. System testing, training, and acceptance testing require converted data before production cutover.

Documentation (DO) : The Documentation process begins with documentation standards materials created early in the project to build quality operation support reference materials. Documentation requirements and implementation complexity are closely correlated, and the amount and level of detail of documentation varies by project.

Business System Testing (TE) : The Business System Testing process is a integrated approach to testing the quality of all application system elements. It focuses on preparing for testing early in the project life cycle, linking testing requirements back to business requirements, and securing project testing resources.

TE.010 - Define Testing Requirements and Strategy (Core) : In this task, you identify the Business System Testing requirements and strategy to be used for the testing of the system.

TE.020 - Develop Unit Test Script (Optional) : In this task, you develop the script to test individual application extension components. The tests validate that the application extension
inputs, outputs, and processing logic function as designed.

TE.040 - Develop System Test Script (Core) : In this task, you develop the script to test the integration of application extensions with Oracle Applications modules. A system test script
contains detailed steps which testers follow to verify the system setup and the integrity of custom application extensions for supporting business processes.

TE.060 - Prepare Testing Environments (Core) : In this task, you install and configure one or more testing environments to support all testing activities.

TE.100 - Prepare Key Users for Testing (Core) : In this task, you provide basic training to key users participating in Business System Testing. A test environment is used to prepare key
users for testing.

TE.130 - Perform Acceptance Test (Core) : In this task, you support users in performing their acceptance test of the new production system. The acceptance test is performed in the
Production Environment. This task also involves scheduling the acceptance test team, support staff, and user facilities.

Performance Testing (PT) : The Performance Testing process helps the project team define, build, and execute a performance test on specific system configurations. This process provides a powerful and direct means of assessing the performance quality of your system. This assessment enables you to determine whether performance is acceptable, and to propose changes and perform tuning to correct any initial performance shortfall.

Adoption and Learning (AP) : The Adoption and Learning process accelerates the implementation team’s ability to work together through team building and organization-specific application learning. This process also helps determine human support requirements so that the organization structure and job roles align to meet new performance expectations resulting from the technology change. Learning needs of all personnel impacted by the implementation are considered, and appropriate training materials and learning events are developed and conducted.

AP.030 - Develop Project Team Learning Plan (Core) : In this task, you assess the learning requirements for the entire project team based on the project vision, charter, and scope in order to develop the learning paths aligned to project roles.

AP.040 - Prepare Project Team Learning Environment (Core) : In this task, you establish the technical and physical infrastructure required for the actual project team learning, including either installing a new application environment or preparing an existing application

AP.140 - Develop User Learning Plan (Core) : In this task, you create learning path approaches that allow users to become skilled in the new technologies, apply new/updated procedures, and fulfill their new roles.

AP.160 - Prepare User Learning Environment (Core) : In this task, you establish the technical and physical infrastructure required for the actual user learning, including preparing an environment that reflects the production applications environment.

Production Migration (PM) : The objective of the Production Migration process is to migrate the
organization, systems, and people to the new enterprise system. Following production cutover, additional objectives include monitoring and refining the production system and planning for the future. The Production Migration process encompasses transition to production readiness, production cutover, and post-production support.

PM.010 - Define Transition Strategy (Core) : In this task, you outline the business transition approach for migrating the system, organization, and people to production status.

PM.030 - Develop Transition and Contingency Plan (Core) : In this task, you develop the detailed transition plan for moving onto the production system, as well as an implementation contingency plan.

PM.040 - Prepare Production Environment (Core) : In this task, you set up, configure, and install the database and application software for the Production Environment.

PM.050 - Set Up Applications (Core) : In this task, you implement the required setups in all of the applications as part of your configuration.

PM.080 - Begin Production (Core) : In this task, you confirm that organization-wide use of all aspects of the production system is in place.

PM.100 - Maintain System (Core) : In this task, you execute the system management procedures. This task is performed in perpetuity.

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