Sunday, March 17, 2013

There are no valid navigations for this responsibility user management

When you select 'User management ' Responsibility you may see this error

"there are no valid navigations for this responsibility user management"


1. Log into the applications as 'SYSADMIN' User.

2. Choose User Management responsibility.

3. Navigate to Users web page.

4. Search and find the user you want to inherit the Security Administrator and Customer Administrator Roles.

Eg: Operations user facing this issue, please search for user 'OPERATIONS'

5. Click on Update Icon.

6. Click on Assign Roles button.

7. Find and choose 'Security Administrator' Role.

8. Apply.

9. Repeat the Steps (6-8) for 'Customer Administrator' Role.

10. Log as the user who was assigned User Management Responsibility and facing the issue.

11. Retest the issue.

12. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.